Think about it for a moment. If one of your customers was listing the pros and cons of you versus your competitors, what could they know about you personally which would make you their expert of choice?
This fundamentally addresses the issue that is one of the major reasons why your customers choose to do business with you. It is not because of your organization it is because of YOU. All our clients can get competitive products and services from a variety of sources, but when you differentiate your offering by recognizing that your relationship IS part of the overall customer experience, you are forced to constantly improve and exceed their and your expectations.
I believe that it is critical that you position yourself as an ‘Expert of Choice’ in each of your client’s mindsets.
Elevate your sales game to new heights by exploring Ciaran’s expert advice in ‘The World’s Best Sales Tips’ along with the latest cutting-edge strategies unveiled in his newly released book ‘Interruption Selling’.