Specific skills when you need them
Press Releases & PR; Our team will write, produce and distribute high quality releases highlighting your new product or service on time & within budget. Our graphic designers will create clear and impactful infographics that sell your message and make sure you are seen. Multichannel posting [Instagram, FBook, LIn] follow up & traditional media outlets.
Case Studies; We create in depth, researched case studies to support your sales and marketing efforts in either long or short form. Our network of photographers, designers and technical writers ensure a quality finish either online or in hard copy.
Win / Loss Reviews; Confidential surveys, reverse engineer pitches & compare to your competitors offerings. Isolate pivot points & understand what made the difference between success and failure.
Inbound; Our team is uniquely experienced in speaking with business owners, managers and executives about the real issues facing them. 1800 or 1300 dedicated inbound lines for your event or product and answered and serviced in a timely and professional manner.
Data Acquisition & CRM; We have engineered thousands of databases, CRMs and datasets across all industries. New data can be sourced or compiled. We can give you the peace of mind that you have exactly the right data & CRM setup for your project.
Event Marketing; When you need the right people to attend your events, online or in one or more locations we can reach out directly and secure their place. We can also follow up and ensure that no opportunities are left behind and drive them to your sales team.
Online Marketing; Our team will quickly create engaging content and generate online enquiries for immediate results. Drive traffic and visitors to your website and follow them up with chat bots, phone calls, texts and messaging in real time.
LinkedIn; Executive & company profile optimisation, network acquisition & origination, outreach and content creation posting and distribution & follow up. Competitive brand analysis and positioning strategies.
Market Research; Our team can generate in depth overt and covert research [Qualitative and Quantitative] on your competitors, markets and customers. Essential for planning product launches, events and sales plans.